What is Rotary?
Rotary is:
- An organization of business and professional persons united worldwide who provide humanitarian
service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations and help build goodwill and peace in the
- The world’s first service club which was founded in Chicago in 1905. Rotary celebrated its
Centennial Year in 2004-05.
- 31,603 clubs with 1,211,723 members in 529 districts located in 166 countries.
The Four Way Test of things
we think, say and do:
- Is it the truth?
- Is it fair to all concerned?
- Will it build goodwill and
better friendships?
- Will it be beneficial to all
Who Can Be a Rotarian?
Any business man or woman who owns his or her own business or is in a position of management with a
company. Professional men and women are also welcomed as members. A retired person who held a qualifying
position when working would be eligible as a “Past Service” member.
Chandler Rotary
chartered in 1934
- The Rotary Foundation, which each year provides some $60 million for international scholarships,
cultural exchanges, and humanitarian projects large and small that improve the quality of life for
millions of people.
- PolioPlus, Rotary’s commitment to eradicate polio in the world by the year 2005. Nearly two billion
children in developing nations have been immunized against polio. More than 150 countries are now
declared polio free. By the year 2005, Rotary will have contributed an estimated $500 million to
eradicate this crippling disease.
- Planning and carrying out a remarkable variety of humanitarian, educational and cultural exchange
programs that touch people’s lives in their local communities and our world community.
- .Membership is by invitation and is based upon a vocational classification. Attendance at meetings is a
basic obligation and a member may make up a meeting at any Rotary Club in the world.
- Rotary is not a political organization, but all Rotarians are vitally concerned with everything pertaining
to good citizenship and the election of good men and women to public office.
- Rotary is not a charitable organization, yet its activities exemplify the charity and the sacrifices that one
should expect from people who believe that they have a responsibility to help others.
- Rotary is not a religious organization, but it is built on those eternal principles that have served as the
moral compass for people throughout the ages.
fellowship and international peace can be achieved when business people unite under the banner of service.
under the banner of service.